27 July, 2012


Honestly, London 2012 is unreliable. 
As all you know, at a women's football match, the orgniser has hanged a South Korean national flag instead of North Korean. Needless to say, this was absolutely embarrassing fact and moreover, I think that this was insulting. National flags represent which countries they are and sort of symbols. Every game takes place amongst countries. This is as impolite as calling person's name wrongly.

And also, I'm still trying to get tickets for rhythmic gymnastics and checking ticketing website as many as I can. And then sometimes the website shows selectable search results, so I click on that to see if I can get tickets. But in fact, after requesting tickets, the website normally says 'unavailable'. They don't know their website's inconvenience and our expectation.

I've got some tickets for volleyball however, it is ridiculous to pay a lot of money for poor organising of London 2012 to be honest.

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